Tuesday, November 24, 2009


That's all you here these days. Stories about the former Mayor of Wasilla and former Governor of Alaska. You never hear that she voted 'for' the 'Bridge to Nowhere' until she voted against it.....or of the several ethical investigations about her......or that she went to 7 colleges before she got a degree. ....or that she wasn't sure that Africa was a country or a continent. Oh yeah, or that she put into the discussion of heath care reform the term......'death panels'.....A whole lot of garbage about a person who some think should run for President in 1012 !!! Someone has to be brave enough to take her down a peg or two.

Sunday, September 27, 2009

Whether the Republicans can be brought to the table or not, health care must be passed now! And yes , a public option must be part of the bill. Malpractice reform is acceptable and we should be able to order drugs from Canada !!

Tuesday, May 26, 2009

First Time Author with a Great Book

Charles McCain has just published a terrific first novel....'An Honorable German' . An exciting story of WWII from the perspective of a young German Naval Officer. Max Brekendorf was a dedicated officer but not a Nazi or an ideologue and his views of the war kept evolving as he escaped one battle after another. A fascinating and well documented book of historical fiction. A must read!

Cheney has memory failure

Seems Dick Cheney forgot to mention that they never found the WMDs or that there was any connection between Saddam Hussein and Al-qaida and that there were 50 warnings about an impending attack on the US before 9/11

Sunday, January 11, 2009

Let's see now......Clinton leaves office and the government has a surplus, Bush leaves office and the nation has the biggest deficit it has ever had???? and it's the Democrats fault??? Now it is becoming known that Madoff isn't the only person who has ripped off citizens for 50 billion dollars.....the reconstruction of Iraq has cost the people 50 billion dollars and we don't know where all the money has gone........down a huge sink hole I suspect. I don't really know if Obama has the time in four years to correct all the damage that Bush has done in 8 years !!!

Saturday, January 3, 2009

The New Year

2008 is over and none too soon. The new administration will take office in a matter of days. Will they be able to correct all the damage that Bush & Cheney created.......that is the leading question? The first order of business is 'do no harm'......and I think that Obama has a good hold on that. We will emerge from this disaster and we will hopefully be stronger in the future.
Yea for the USA